YourBio Health

Remote Patient-Operated Phlebotomy and Testing Device Design & Development – OEM

Goals & Objectives

YourBio Health, a Flagship Pioneering-owned medical device company specializing in remote capillary blood sampling, had struggled with message dilution in the B2C space. The company sought to develop a B2B model to pivot in order to better align with its core scientific strengths.

Strategic Approach

That’s Nice worked with YourBio to overhaul its messaging, focusing on the unique needs of each market segment to which its technology had relevant applications. We emphasized the scientific innovation behind YourBio’s devices to build trust and authority, while highlighting the role that the ease of use of its devices would play in facilitating decentralized testing trends.

Meeting & Exceeding KPIs

Through this strategy, That’s Nice redefined YourBio Health’s brand, allowing it to transition to a B2B focus, enhancing its overall market position, and setting the stage for future growth i the decentralized testing space.