Bristol, TN seems like a strange place for a Hard Rock Cafe to set up shop. That’s not going to get between Nigel and a good time.

Bristol, TN seems like a strange place for a Hard Rock Cafe to set up shop. That’s not going to get between Nigel and a good time.
Ivy is calling it early. Her money is on the Eagles to win this year’s superbowl.
Shooting in the Development Lab at Microsize – a particle engineering company and specialist in micronization located in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.
Nothing like a walk in the freezing cold across a windy body of water to get the blood pumping.
This is not the Rebel’s Echo Base on the ice planet of Hoth. Oslo is awfully cold this time of year.
Flashback to Nigel’s early days in New York. It could only go up from here.
Hot off the press on Pharma’s Almanac. Find out more about where Mathias Uhlén from NorthX Biologics’ Board of Directors thinks the industry is headed.
Our friends at Wacker are always on the move. If you’re headed to the Microbiome Movement Summit, be sure to check out their LBP manufacturing presentation!
After several years of Tennessee residence, Nigel has gotten pretty good at sniffing out the Jack Daniels, even in the most unexpected of places.
The next leg of Nigels eight-week journey brings him to Zurich. It’s amazing what you can capture with an iPhone camera.